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The National Research collaborative Meeting (NRCM)

The National Research Collaborative Meeting (NRCM) 31st March 2023, is a trainee meeting delivered by trainees, hosted by Welsh Trainee collaboratives at the Principality Stadium.

This pan specialty meeting will be a celebration of trainee and medical student led collaborative research involving one or more centres.

Sessions will include presentations of completed studies, studies still recruiting and a Dragons Den type session where study ideas can be presented and experts provide feedback.

This will be the first face to face NRCM since December 2019 and we are excited about bringing together all specialities to focus on student and trainee collaborative research.'


Please submit an abstract describing a collaborative study that is planned, ongoing, or concluded.

Abstracts describing collaborative research on any topic in any specialty are welcome. Submitted abstracts will be considered for oral or poster presentation.


Prizes will be awarded to the best oral presentations from each category (planned, ongoing, or concluded), and to the best poster presentations from each category (planned, ongoing, or concluded).

There will be a prize awarded to the best presentation by a medical student.


Abstracts will be marked for their originality, relevance, methods, and interpretation.

The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be structured with the headings: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Email two versions of the abstract (one with author names and affiliations and one without) to:

Please use the following as a template to provide information within the email:

Presenting author first name:

Presenting author last name:

Presenting author grade (e.g. medical student, Foundation doctor, etc):

Presenting author affiliation:

Category (planned/ongoing/concluded):

Primary speciality of the study (or cross-speciality):


Deadline for abstract submission: NOW EXTENDED UNTIL 31 ST JANUARY 2023

The submitting author of abstracts chosen for presentation at the meeting will be notified by 01/02/2023.


Early Bird Tickets are only available at this reduced price of £30 and will end on January 31st so please purchase as soon as possible!

23 March

Bowel Screening Wales Education Day

11 May

The Welsh Surgeons Spring meeting May 2023